Saturday 23 March 2013


Barclay’s bank has awarded the appropriately named Rich Ricci, its investment banking chief, a shares bonus of £17.5 million which he can cash instantly and choose, if he wishes, to use to purchase further racehorses for his string.  Yes, this is the same Barclay’s that was fined heavily for the Libor scandal. The news was released on budget day prompting the accusation that Barclay’s were burying bad news.  Never mind, Mr Ricci may be comforted after the string of abuse and criticism that will surely come his way by the thought that, thanks to that nice Mr ‘we’re all in it together’ Cameron and his reduced top rate of tax, he will also receive an additional £27K on his salary. 

Wednesday 20 March 2013


The budget has been presented and only the sound of deckchairs scraping on decks was heard, but one gleam of light was the penny off the price of a pint of beer.  That does however mean that you have to drink a hundred pints to save a pound. Ah well.  That’s going to be tough, but someone’s got to do it

Monday 18 March 2013


So the EU has developed another whizzo scheme to part citizens from their hard earned money, this time in Cyprus.  The money that the good people of Cyprus have deposited in the Cyprus banks will be taxed (or stolen, as it is more correctly known) at a rate of up to 10%. The EU and IMF have demanded the levy in return for a 10bn-euro (£8.6bn) bank bailout. This is essential so that bankers can receive their bonuses, the politicians get their inflated salaries and perks and the European “train de sauce au jus de viande” keeps rolling 

Saturday 9 March 2013


Nick Clegg has admitted that the Lib Dems must take a “long, hard look in the mirror”.  You bet.  Look in the mirror to make sure that Lord Rennard isn’t creeping up behind you, ready to grope your knees.

Thursday 7 March 2013


A cull of the growing population of deer in the UK has been called for by the University of East Anglia backed by TV presenter and naturalist Chris Packman.  There are now more than 1.5 million of the animals in the UK. They cause road accidents and destroy the environment and it is estimated that a 60% reduction in numbers is needed
There are now over 63 million people in the UK, a rise of over 4 million in 10 years.  They cause road accidents and destroy the environment.  Over to you Mr Packman