Wednesday 12 June 2013


   Edward Swowden, a 29-year-old former technical assistant for the CIA is now the USA’s public enemy No 1. And his chrime?  Mass murder, plotting the downfall of civilisation as we know it or selling secrets to the enemy?  No, none of these. He has embarrassed the US  Government by revealing that they have access to the ordinary citizen’s e-mails, text messages and Twitter accounts and have shared these with the UK, the so-called home of democracy.

      And so will begin the call for his extradition back to the States.  Whilst it is obviously not acceptable to extradite someone to Jordan, because they may use evidence obtained by torture, it is OK to send them to America despite the USA having the death penalty ( especially if you’re black,) sponsoring  torture  (extraordinary rendition) an keeping people prisoners for years without charge or trial (Guantanamo Bay). It’s great to have standards but double standards are twice as good!