Saturday 31 March 2012


I thought that a copy of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which has Don't Panic in large friendly letters on the front of it, would be useful for the Government. While Cameron desperately tries to remember where and when he last ate a pasty and whether it was hot or ambient, while Francis Maude searches through Wikipedia for the definition of jerrycan*, while the petrol queues grow and the backlash over tax relief for the rich and the "granny tax" continues, the government tells us not to panic.  Its not us that are panicking, it's you!  Thank God Miliband E. will be standing by, ready to take over the reins, boosted by his Bradford by-election victory. What could possibly go wrong there.

 *( a 20L steel can of German invention, hence jerrycan, the Wehrmachtskanister is used by the military to store petrol etc, and is too large to be stored legally domestically.) 

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