Friday 24 August 2012


A weary Lance Armstrong has given up the fight to prove that he did not use performance enhancing drugs in his cycling career, by deciding not to participate in an arbitration process. The cyclist has suffered years of persecution from the U.S. anti-doping agency, lead by Travis Tygart.  Arnstrong was subjected to hundreds of drugs tests during  his career, all negative, so the only evidence available to the US agency must be hearsay.  It is good to know that the spirit of McCarthy lives on. After all we don’t want to confuse the verdict with evidence, do we.  Tygart intents to erase all Armstrong’s wins including all his Tour de France victories. You may think that the USA rules the world, Mr Tygart, but the victories are not yours to take way. I think that you’ll find the clue is in the title “Tour de FRANCE”.

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