Tuesday 29 January 2013


Oh God, it’s happening again. True wisdom is learning from your mistakes but true wisdom appears to be a commodity in very short supply among the French, the Americans  and the Brits. When will we ever learn.  First help with transport, then allowing the Americans to use our airport s, then supplying military advisers to Mali then……What is mission creep?  It is the person who takes us into yet another war.

Wednesday 16 January 2013


So, the new hunting season has opened in the USA and the death toll is already over 20 schoolkids.  The National Rifle Association continues to promote every citizen’s right to carry a gun and in fact suggests that the answer to the periodic school killings is to have more weapons in schools. When claiming this right, they quote the United States bill of rights of 1791.  The founding fathers who drafted and approved the bill of rights could not  be expected to see more than 200 years into the future and to understand just how lethal modern weaponry is.  Therefore, I believe that every citizen should be allowed to bear arms, but only arms of the type that were around in the 1790s. With their slow loading and inaccuracy this would undoubtedly reduce the death toll. 


Officials are investigating how beefburgers on sale in UK and Irish supermarkets, including Tesco and Iceland, became contaminated with horsemeat. Most contained only a trace of horsemeat but in one batch nearly 30% of the meat content was equine.
   Several helpful suggestions have been contributed by members of the public including changing the name to hoofburgers and selling them as part of a mane meal deal. Tesco's are now saddled with the unwanted product but a company spokesman said " Every pony counts".


Tuesday 15 January 2013


Lance Armstrong is reported to have admitted taking performance-enhancing drugs during the Oprah Winfrey show.  Come, come Lance, I know that being interviewed by Oprah is nerve-racking but I wouldn’t have thought that chemical support was needed.

Thursday 3 January 2013


Jim Davidson has been arrested by police investigating the Jimmy Saville abuse scandal.  He vigorously denies the charges involving two women, who were in their mid-twenties at the time of the alleged incidents. 

Like one or two of Mr Davidson's gags the charges are in bad taste and not funny.


A Very Happy New Year to all both my readers.  Sorry I have been so quiet over the last few weeks ……  but Christmas and all that.  However, to start off 2013 with a bang here are a few predictions for the next 12 months.

1/  The weather again will be a great source of discussion.  It will either be too hot, too cold, too wet or too dry, The rivers will run red with blood and there will be a plague of locusts.  This will either be caused by Global Warming or moral decline as illustrated by the sales of “50 shades of Grey”.

2/  The USA will again be visited by Fiscal Cliff , whoever he is.

3/  The banks will be found to have engaged in yet another example of “creative” selling ……..  and still no senior executive will go to jail.

4/  The newspaper industry will set up its own regulatory body, so it will be dodgy business as usual.

So on this cheerful note, onwards and upwards.