Thursday 3 January 2013


A Very Happy New Year to all both my readers.  Sorry I have been so quiet over the last few weeks ……  but Christmas and all that.  However, to start off 2013 with a bang here are a few predictions for the next 12 months.

1/  The weather again will be a great source of discussion.  It will either be too hot, too cold, too wet or too dry, The rivers will run red with blood and there will be a plague of locusts.  This will either be caused by Global Warming or moral decline as illustrated by the sales of “50 shades of Grey”.

2/  The USA will again be visited by Fiscal Cliff , whoever he is.

3/  The banks will be found to have engaged in yet another example of “creative” selling ……..  and still no senior executive will go to jail.

4/  The newspaper industry will set up its own regulatory body, so it will be dodgy business as usual.

So on this cheerful note, onwards and upwards.

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