Tuesday 26 February 2013


Well, the Italian elections are over and total chaos would appear to be the outcome. In the Senate Pier Luigi Bersani, of the Common Good Coalition, has most votes with around 10 million, while  Silvio Berlusconi, of the centre right coalition, and who still faces criminal charges for sleeping with an underage prostitute, a charge which he, of course, vehemently denies, follows closely with about 9.9 million votes.  Mario Monti  (with Monti for Italy) the man who has been trying to sort out Italy’s problems, was rewarded with a poor third ( 3.6 million). Meanwhile, in the Chamber of Deputies, the winner was Beppe Grillo, a stand up comedian, who says he will not form a coalition with any other party. So while stock markets around the world tumble at the news of the results, no one can say that the Italians aren’t taking the situation seriously.

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