Saturday 14 July 2012


With potential Islamic terrorists gathering at our borders and plotting within our cities, and with every other  ne’er-do-well  pressing to join in the fun, it is comforting to know that the security for the Olympic Games is in the hands of true professionals …. G4S.  Two and a half years after they signed the contract, and just two weeks before the start of the games, G4S have admitted that they are unable to provide sufficient security staff to police the games.  But they were cheap!!!  If you pay peanuts you get monkeys.  By the time potential staff receive their meagre wages and meet their expenses of travel, uniform, food etc. they would lose money.  Yes, G4S don’t even pay enough to attract monkeys. Perhaps we should spend the money boosting our armed forces, who end up providing the security anyway, rather than paying inefficient, greedy capitalist companies to not do the job.  As for the directors of G4S, I assume that accommodation is being prepared in the Tower of London, as we speak.

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