Thursday 12 July 2012


The trial of John Terry for the heinous crime of “calling someone a nasty name” continues.  The full might of the British legal system appears to be focussed on this wickedness, while the banks  devise ever more subtle ways of parting the ordinary citizen from his hard-earned money, with impunity.  Verbal abuse is not clever or grown up but nor should it be a crime.  And what is the alleged crime?  ….a racially aggravated public order offence.  How can public order be jeopardised when bystanders couldn’t even hear the remarks, and even a professional lip-reader failed to identify exactly what was said?  For heaven’s sake concentrate on the crimes that matter, like the systematic financial rape of the country, and let these self-important, overpaid, moronic bladder- kickers sort out their own playground arguments.

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