Wednesday 12 September 2012


The Hillsborough disaster report has been published today and it is not happy reading for the authorities. Like many others, I have criticised the representatives of the victims for their 23 years of non-acceptance of the official version of events.  They were right and I was wrong!  I am truly sorry. Not that that is of any importance to those involved..
Although the report is one and a half inches thick, within minutes of publication, analysts were able to comment on its content.
However, it would appear that the following information is correct:
·               The Hillsborough ground was unsafe and did not have a safety certificate.
·               The cause of the problem was not drunkenness, or fans without tickets, as alleged by the police, but failure of policing. People are human, even policemen, and mistakes can occur….that is not the crime.
·              Police and Ambulance service records were altered to support this claim 
       ( that is a crime!)
·            Victims were written off and allowed to die, when clinical information showed they could have survived. ( that would appear to be clinical negligence).
·            Attempts were made to vilify the supporters.  Blood samples were taken from the dead for alcohol analysis, including from a ten year old boy. (that is sick)         
       The Sun, an alleged newspaper, issued a condemnation of the Liverpool fans the following day, based on unsupported evidence, under the heading “The Truth”. ( that is “The Sun”)

 The old Soviet Union would have approved of the cover-up and the rewriting of history, and as for the Sun, Pravda, the official newspaper of the Soviet Communist party, noted for its manipulation of the facts, would have been proud of you.  By the way, “Pravda” in Russian means “The Truth”.
I thought that we lived in a democracy, with a free, elected and open government.   Another vodka, Demetre?

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