Thursday 31 May 2012


Following a lost appeal in Britain’s Supreme Court,  Antipidean  whistle blower, Julian Assange may well be heading for a short Scandinavian break.  He lost the appeal on a majority decision following some pretty esoteric arguments involving” the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties”, as not discussed in court, and what constitutes a "competent judicial authority”.  The fear is that, once in Sweden for questioning, Mr Assange will be handed over to the USA authorities who still have unfinished business with him.  Assange, through his website Wikileaks, made public thousands of confidential e-mails, much to the embarrassment of the US and UK.  Shortly afterwards, in a totally unrelated incident, the consensual sex which JA claimed he had indulged in with a couple of Wikileaks workers suddenly became non-consensual.  Mr Assange was warned at the time of the release of the e mails, that putting these documents into the public arena could well put individuals in great danger.  Well, that has certainly proved true for one person, himself.

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