Thursday 3 May 2012


Polling takes place in parts of England, Scotland and Wales today.  More than 4,700 English council seats are being contested, all the seats of Scotland's 32 unitary authorities are up for grabs and the make-up of 21 unitary authorities in Wales will also be decided. And what a choice!  Labour, the party who spent all our money and left us with massive debts, the Tories, who have shown their true colours by cutting tax rates for the ultra rich and the Quisling Lib. Dems., who sold out their principles for a share of power.  And then there’s a rag bag of minor parties, The Greens, Respect, The Monster Raving Loonies, UKIP, the National Front and even the Pirate Party in Cornwall, amongst others.  Then we have the mayoral elections, including a choice for London between Bumbling Boris and Crafty Ken. And moving North to the SNP, the fish-based Mafia of Salmond and Sturgeon, craving independence and the re-establishment of the arc of prosperity (remember that, Ireland, Scotland, Iceland and Norway, now mostly bust).  God help us.  One thing is for sure, expect a bigger blood bath than the Haigh murders of the 40s.

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