Wednesday 2 May 2012


On Tuesday, the Culture, Media and Sports Parliamentary Committee produced a damning report regarding the phone hacking scandal, which lead to the closure of The News of the World.
Unfortunately, they incorporated the statement that Murdoch was not a ‘fit and proper’ person to run a major international communications company, thereby splitting the committee along party lines and diverting attention from their main findings.  The ‘fit and proper’ designation is the remit of Ofcom, ladies and gentlemen, and should have been left to them, rather than being used to settle personal vendettas.
The result of all this?  News Corporation’s board has given Murdoch their full backing, Ofcom says it will take its own time to decide the ‘fit and proper’ question and The Sun, Murdoch’s flagship paper in the UK, demonstating that it intends to maintain its current high journalistic standards, produced  a front page headline, mocking the speech impediment of Roy Hodgson, the new England football manager. Outwageous!

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