Tuesday 19 June 2012


Things appear to be taking a turn for the worse in the world of democracy.  The protests of the Arab Spring in Egypt deposed dictator, Hosni Mubarak, with the protesters expecting the move to a Western style democracy.  What did they get?  A choice between a senior member of the previous, murderous regime and an Islamist candidate.  And it looks as though Mohammed Morsithe Islamist, will be Prime  Minister and that the military generals will retain powers that allow them to manipulate the running of the country from the shadows.  Hardly an outstanding  success!
  Meanwhile in Greece, The Nea Dimokratia  (New Democracy) party has the largest single vote, allowing it to form a coalition with Pasok, another party in favour of keeping the grinding austerity policies of the Eurozone.  However, the majority of Greeks actually voted in favour of parties who wanted to adopt a non-austerity approach, but, as in Egypt, their opposition was hopelessly divided. The result: the citizens end up with the government that the majority did not want. To paraphrase Star Trek, it’s democracy Jim, but not as we know it!

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