Tuesday 19 June 2012


The idiot Gove has struck again.  This time, he has upset Lord Justice Leveson, with his comments in the Sunday press, that the enquiry had created a 'chilling atmosphere'  towards the freedom of the Press.  Quite right Mr Gove, we certainly don’t want to restrict the freedom of the press to hack phones, intercept e-mails and bribe policemen do we?  His Lordship, angered by the comments, insisted "I do not need to be told about the importance of freedom of speech, I really don't." and he has even threatened to quit.  He has also demanded that, on the subject of his enquiry, Gove be told to shut up.  Come, come, your Lordship, why restrict Gove’s silence to the subject of your enquiry, is there not a way we can shut him up completely. 

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