Thursday 28 June 2012


They’re at it again!  A major bank, this time Barclay’s, has been indulging in apparently dubious and probably illegal practices, with more offenders to follow. Barclay’s allegedly fiddled the London Interbank Offered Rate (Libor) and the Euro Interbank Offered Rate (Euribor), which in turn had a knock-on effect on billions of pounds of financial deals between other banks and financial houses, and ultimately on the rates paid by Jo(e) Public for his/her borrowing. Yes folks, you’ve been shafted again!  And the response from Bob Diamond, chief executive of Barclay’s, was to offer to give up his bonus.  They just don’t get it!  These people live in an isolated privileged bubble, with high salaries and bonuses, while the ordinary citizens suffer wage cuts or job losses and attacks on their meagre pension provisions.  Listen up Mr. Diamond, punishment should be metered out for either your complicity in such practices or your ignorance of their existence. The first phase is loss of bonus, the second loss of job and the third phase the length of the potential jail sentence. Comment added July 3rd: Two out of three's not bad for the time being!

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